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Who is the talent behind Sparkle Stories?
Sparkle is a collaboration between storyteller David Sewell McCann, writer and producer Lisabeth Sewell, and a team of talented editors and creators. Sparkle was started in 2010, inspired by David's incredible ability to spin stories off the top of ...
How do I cancel my subscription?
It's easy and you can do it at any time. Subscriptions may be canceled from your account page on the website. (Note: subscriptions cannot be canceled or updated in the app.) Follow these steps: Go to the ‘My Account’ page. Click on the ‘Manage’ (or ) ...
Do you have an app?
We do — for iOS and Android! You can find the Sparkle Stories app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store from any mobile device. Just use the search terms "Sparkle Stories." You'll find the image of the little Sparkle guy with his star-wand!
Who creates the wonderful theme music?
Most of our themes were created by the first-ever Sparkler, Angus Sewell McCann! The Sparkle Stories theme and the theme music for the majority of our collections were created by Angus Sewell McCann. The Junkyard Tales, So Many Fairies, and Martin & ...
Why audio stories? Why no animations?
Audio stories, or stories told out-loud, are untethered to images viewed on a screen. The child is free and able to paint their own pictures out of their own imagination. They become relaxed and entranced — committing themselves fully to a fantastic ...